Lindsey’s nutrition expertise and healthy, delicious recipes are internationally recognized and featured across many media outlets, podcasts, and speaking events.
If you have media inquiries or would like to work with Lindsey, please send an email ([email protected]). Thank you!
- Run Eat Repeat Podcast | Should You Take Collagen: Benefits of Collagen for Fitness Podcast 98, 10/22/2018
- The Grapefruit & Granola Podcast | Ep. 23: Listener Q&A with Lindsey Janeiro, 7/3/2018
- The Productive Parent |Episode 3: Begin Eating Healthy, 7/7/2017
- The RD Entrepreneur Symposium |How to Confidently Assign Value to Your Services (No Matter What You Do), Spring 2018
- Florida Suncoast Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, CEU Sympoisum | Social Media Strategies for Dietitians, 3/31/2018
- NBC News Better | 18 Plant-Based Foods Nutritionists Buy at ALDI, 3/18/2020
- Australian Men’s Health | All the Long Lasting Fresh Produce You Can Buy, According to a Nutritionist, 3/18/2020
- NBC News Better | The best and healthiest things to buy at ALDI, according to dietitians, 2/26/2020
- NBC News Better | 24 healthy Trader Joe’s products nutritionists swear by, 1/30/2020
- NBC News Better | 19 processed foods nutritionists swear by, 10/25/2020
- NBC News Better | 13 Healthy High-Protein, High-Fiber Snack Ideas, 10/17/2019
- Women’s Health | The 10 Healthiest Grocery Stores in the U.S., According to Nutritionists, 10/1/2019
- Well+Good | Your Guide to Reduced-Stress Restaurant Dining with a Food Allergy or Sensitivity, 9/18/2019
- Yahoo! | The Absolute Best Peanut-Free Candies for Kids with Food Allergies, 8/6/2019
- NBC News Better | Indulge Your Sweet Tooth with These Low-Sugar Desserts, 7/21/2019
- NBC News Better | A Better Way to Think About ‘Clean Eating’, 6/24/2019
- Thrillist | The 8 Healthiest Dishes at Taco Bell, 3/11/2019
- NBC News Better | 9 Tips to Make Your Pizza Habit Healthier, 2/8/2019
- NBC News Better | 15 Easy Meal Prep Recipes for Your Instant Pot, 1/24/2019
- Cooking Light | 6 Foods Dietitians Eat Every Day at Home, 1/22/2019
- Well+Good | Have a Food Allergy? A Lot of People Think They Do, Too – But They Don’t, 1/15/2019
- Thrillist | The 8 Healthiest Dishes at Taco Bell, 1/8/2019
- NBC News BETTER | Healthier Sides and Desserts for Your Holiday Table, 11/17/2018
- NBC News BETTER | Nutritionist-Approved Comfort Food Recipes That Are Actually Good for You, 11/7/2018
- Women’s Health | The 7 Healthiest Things to Order from Pizza Hut, According to Nutritionists, 10/5/2018
- Women’s Health | The 8 Healthiest Things to Order from Taco Bell, According to Nutritionists, 10/4/2018
- INSIDER | 20 Unexpected Things You Should Add to Your Smoothie, 9/25/2018
- NBC News BETTER | How to Pack the Healthiest School Lunch, According to Nutritionists, 9/4/2018
- Women’s Running | 8 Homemade Condiments for Your Summer BBQ, 8/2/2018
- Prevention | 20 Peanut-Free Candies for Kids with Allergies, 7/26/2018
- KTAR News | 10 Healthy Recipes for Ice Pops to Help You Cool Down This Summer, 7/14/2018
- MSN | 9 Must-Have Dishes for Your Next Vegetarian Party, 7/13/2018
- Reader’s Digest | 15 Grilling Recipes Under 400 Calories, 7/2018
- Reader’s Digest | 14 Summer Superfood Recipes to Beat the Heat, 7/2018
- Luvo | The Best Tips for On-the-Go Nourishment from Registered Dietitians, 6/25/2018
- NBC News BETTER | 11 Delicious Avocado Recipes That Don’t Involve Avocado Toast, 6/1/2018
- NBC News BETTER | How to Build a Better Smoothie, According to a Nutritionist, 5/26/2018
- Canyon Bakehouse Gluten Free | Awareness Month: Interview with Lindsey Janeiro, 5/14/2018
- NBC NewsBetter | 13 Healthier Mexican Recipes to Try Tonight, 5/4/2018
- Women’s Helath | 18 High-Protein, Low-Carb Snacks That Will Prevent You From Turning Into a Hangry Monster, 4/16/2018
- Reader’s Digest | 36 Delicious Fish Recipes for Busy Weeknights, 4/2/2018
- Greatist | 27 Fancy Paleo Recipes That Make Date Night Feel Special, 3/21/2018
- Women’s Health | 23 Delicious Ways to Eat Spaghetti Squash at Any Meal, 2/14/2018
- Luvo | 24 Healthier Comfort Food Recipes, 12/27/2017
- Reader’s Digest | 10 Delicious Ways to Sneak More Chia Seeds into Your Diet, 11/29/2017
- Reader’s Digest | 12 Delicious Kale Salad Recipes You Won’t Be Able to Turn Down, 11/25/2017
- Hello Giggles | What to do on Thanksgiving if you have IBS, because no one wants to miss out on green bean casserole, 11/21/2017
- SHAPE | Why You Should Stop Trying to Negate or Earn Food with Exercise, 11/21/2017
- True Wellness by True Food Kitchen | 31 Healthy Pumpkin Recipes to Use Up a Whole Pumpkin, 11/21/2017
- Women’s Running | 5 Foods to Keep You On Your Mental Game, 11/15/17
- Health | This Nutritionist Can’t Eat Tree Nuts or Gluten – These Are the Snacks and Meals She Eats All the Time, 11/6/2017
- Reader’s Digest | 8 Patriotic Foods for Veteran’s Day Weekend, 11/2017
- Food Network’s Healthy Eats | Nutritionists Share Their Secret Weapons for Staying Healthy, 10/2017
- Wellseek | DIY Lemon Ginger Hummus, 10/31/2017
- Wellseek | The Real Definition of ‘Health Eating’, 9/24/2017
- Eating Well | What to Eat When You’re Expecting: Second Trimester, 2017
- Eating Well | What to Eat When You’re Expecting: First Trimester, 2017
- Eating Well | How Much Weight Gain is Normal during Pregnancy?, 2017
- Cooking Light | 15 Dietitians Tell You How to Survive Morning Sickness, 9/18/2017
- Luvo, Inc. | Smoothies with a Hearty Vegetable Base, 9/18/2017
- PROnatal Fitness | 10 Tips to Banish Belly Bloat, 9/11/2017
- Wellseek | 4 Refreshing Reasons to Love Oranges, 8/21/2017
- Huffington Post | The Truth About Midnight Snacking, 8/15/2017
- MSN | 5 Super-Easy Marinades for a Next-Level BBQ, 8/8/2017
- Pure Taste Recipes | Honey Citrus Grilled Pork Tenderloin, 7/2017
- | 5 Super-Easy Marinades for a Next-Level BBQ, 7/25/2017
- Prevention | 5 Super-Easy Marinades for a Next-Level BBQ, 7/21/2017
- Unite for Her | Popsicles for Every Palate, 7/21/2017
- CafeMom | 21 Answers to the Breastfeeding Questions You’re Too Embarrassed to Ask, 7/5/2017
- Today’s Dietitian | Dietitians of the Week June 26-30, 6/30/2017
- Women’s Health | This Nutritionist Has a Severe Nut Allergy-Here’s What She Eats in a Day, 6/29/2017
- Wellseek | Ditch These 4 Breastfeeding ‘Diet’ Myths, 6/29/2017
- The List | Weird-but-Good Stuff You Should be Putting in Your Smoothie, 6/28/2017
- Hungry for Truth | Fruit and Yogurt Popsicles, 6/23/2017
- U.S. News | How to Build a Healthy Ice Pop, 6/23/2017
- Reader’s Digest | 19 Nutritionist-Approved Road Trip Snacks You Can Buy Anywhere, 6/15/2017
- Reader’s Digest | 20 Meal Prep Hacks That Can Reap Some Serious Nutrition Benefits, 6/12/2017
- Connect Statesboro | What Nutrition Experts Wish You Knew About Dieting, 6/9/2017
- | What Nutrition Experts Wish You Knew About Dieting, 6/9/2017
- Wellseek | Eating for Two? Pay Extra Attention to Iron, 6/8/2017
- Fitness, Health, Yoga | What Nutrition Experts Wish You Knew About Dieting, 6/7/2017
- | What Nutrition Experts Wish You Knew About Dieting, 6/6/2017
- | 4 Reasons to Stock Your Freezer with Red Raspberries, 5/30/2017
- CafeMom | 17 Homemade Popsicles Everyone Will Love This Summer, 5/26/2017
- Vitacost | 5 Benefits of Cooking at Home, 5/25/2017
- Wellseek | Can I Have Caffeine While Breastfeeding?, 5/23/2017
- PROnatal Fitness | Healthy Postpartum Freezable Meals, 5/19/2017
- Wellseek | 6 Reasons to Love the Mighty Onion, 5/9/2017
- Wellseek | The Nutritious Versatility of Cauliflower, 4/29/2017
- Reader’s Digest | 20 Healthier Versions of Your Favorite Condiments, 4/22/2017
- Reader’s Digest Canada | 10 Secrets of Working Moms Who Cook Dinner Every Night, 4/21/2017
- Prevention | 6 Reasons You’re Still Hungry After Breakfast, 4/20/2017
- Food & Wine | What to Do if Your Food Goes Bad, 4/14/2017
- Wellseek | 6 Reasons Why Olive Oil Benefits Your Health, 4/12/2017
- MSN | 10 Secrets of Working Moms Who Cook Dinner Every Night, 4/11/2017
- Reader’s Digest |10 Secrets of Working Moms Who Cook Dinner Every Night, 4/10/2017
- SHAPE | The Best Muffin Recipes for a Quick, Healthy Breakfast, 3/28/2017
- PROnatal Fitness | 9 Ways to Increase Milk Supply, 3/26/2017
- SHAPE | High-Protein Vegetarian Breakfasts for a Satisfying Way to Start the Day, 3/21/2017
- Watertown Public Opinion | 10 Lessons Nutrition Experts Have Learned, 3/11/2017
- | 10 Lessons Nutrition Experts Have Learned, 3/10/2017
- 24Life | 10 Dietitian-Approved Strategies to Eat Healthier, 3/9/2017
- CycleKids | Navigating Food Allergies in Children, 2/2/2017
- SHAPE | Easy Chicken Dinner Ideas to Add Variety to Your Weeknights, 1/19/2017
- SHAPE | 14 Healthy Ways to Cook Spaghetti Squash, 11/8/2016
- Luvo | Traditional Tacos, Untraditional Fillings, 10/4/2016
- Men’s Fitness | Chicken Recipes: 50 Things You Can Do with Rotisserie Chicken, 7/26/2016